Huobi Obtains License to Operate in the British Virgin Islands, States There Is No Timetable for Expansion Into the United Kingdom Yet

[ad_1]   Huobi's affiliate Brtuomi Worldwide is one of the first exchanges in the British Overseas Territory to offer compliant crypto derivatives and trading services. In addition, Huobi, a major cryptocurrency exchange, is expanding its worldwide presence by entering the British Virgin Islands, a British Overseas Territory. Huobi stated on Friday that it had obtained an investing company license from the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (FSC). The permission

Starbucks Announces New NFT Utility For Coffee Members

[ad_1] Starbucks The nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, are created on Polygon's proof-of-stake blockchain. Starbucks said on Monday that its U.S. members would be able to earn and purchase digital collectible stamps in the form of nonfungible tokens, or NFTs. Each collectible digital stamp, dubbed "Starbucks Odyssey," will have its ownership validated on the blockchain and will carry a point value depending on its rarity. Members' points will rise as they