Monster Money Tokens: Beats headphones maker Monster wants to launch the biggest ICO ever

[ad_1] So far, it seemed that ICOs as a source of capital were of interest to young start-ups in the first place. To revive its business, a long-established company, Monster Products Inc., is launching an ICO – the biggest ever. Founded in 1978, the US company Monster Cable Products, Inc., has no later than with its headphone series “Beats by Dr. Dre “made a name. For this purpose it had

France will be “the first in the world” to have a regulation on ICO

[ad_1] The Treasury and the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) detailed on Thursday the provisions of the future draft Pact on the Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), issuing digital tokens. France wants to weigh in the definition of the standards of this new mode of financing and to favor the innovation to reinforce the attractiveness of the place of Paris. The Pact Act (Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation) will

EOS sets new record of $ 4 billion in ICO phase

[ad_1] A strong competitor to the Ethereum network, EOS is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies traded on the market today. Block.one, the developer behind EOS, has already achieved a record $ 4 billion in revenue from the one-year ICO, which ends June 1. The biggest ICO in history The phenomenon of ICOs has established itself worldwide as a new way for start-ups to raise significant amounts of capital without